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High School students preparing for college often wonder why take the PSAT. In October each year high school sophomores and juniors have the opportunity to take the PSAT. This test parallels the SAT and gives students exposure to the test and valuable feedback on readiness for the SAT.  Students register for the PSAT test at their local high school and not through the College Board.

The PSAT serves 4 main purposes:

  1. The National Merit Scholarship Corporation uses the junior year PSAT/NMSQT scores to select candidates from each state for their Merit Scholarship awards.
  2. The test gives all students a realistic test-taking experience prior to sitting for the SAT.
  3. It is an early indicator of strengths and weaknesses. The results can serve as a diagnostic tool for helping students reach their SAT goals.
  4. It gives students a sense of how they would score on the SAT. This early reading can be an awakening in helping them develop a study plan for the SAT.

The PSAT is not a required test for college admission; therefore, not all students may choose to sit for it.  This is primarily a practice test, however, it serves as a great opportunity for students to become familiar with the test-taking process and develop confidence.  Students who tend to get anxious, or those who have the potential to qualify for scholarships can benefit greatly. 

Register early for our group preparation class which is being held on Saturday, October 8th in preparation for the October 12th test  Class size is limited. Students can also take a private tutorial and focus on their specific strengths and weaknesses, particularly if they feel they can qualify for a National Merit Scholarship.  Please feel free to call if you have questions regarding which class may best serve your learning needs. (Call 412-563-1413)

Registration forms are on the website:  http://www.mtleboacademy.com 

Click Registration Forms, PSAT

Studies show that when students are well prepared for testing, they can eliminate test anxiety, increase their “test wiseness”, and improve their overall knowledge of the content being measured.  We have been preparing students for the PSAT and SAT/ACT for 40 years, and our teachers are well acquainted with the test.

The best preparation for college, however, is to work hard in school strengthening your academic skills. If needed, the Academy also offers tutorial support in all subject areas including all levels of math, chemistry, physics, and English.  Maximize your chances of getting accepted into the college of your choice by getting tutorial support in a specific content area, or by joining one of our college test prep classes today.  We look forward to helping your reach your PSAT, SAT, or ACT goals so register early to ensure placement in our popular classes.

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